Includes 20-30 minutes of Ayurvedic Pulse Assessment and 60-90 minutes of Body Work
During Pulse and Intake, Abbey will assess the areas of your body most in need of support.
Body Work includes: Cupping, Hot Towels, Gua Sha, Warm Oils, Aromatherapy and Hot Stones- as is appropriate for the client
Add Pindha Sweda (Full Body Pounding Massage with Rice Boluses)
Add Netra Basti (Ghee Bath for Eyes)
90 Minute Intake Session
75 Minute Follow Up Sessions
During an Ayurvedic Pulse Assessment, Abbey will do a thorough intake of your medical history and then do an assessment of your:
Energy, Wastes and Fluids
Birth Doshas
Organ Health
Any Specific Health Questions you have
You will receive Handouts with:
Practical Health Tips
Hydration Remedies
Herbal Recommendations
Food Ideas for your Unique Constitution
20 minute intake + 60/90 minutes of Body Work
Lymphatic Body Work with Cupping, Gua Sha, Warm Towels and Rocks, etc.
With particular focus on:
Breast/Chest Check and Care
Uterus Alignment if needed
Can be added to any body work service
This is a traditional Ayurvedic Practice in which warm ghee is poured in the eyes. It is an amazing practice for clearing debris from the eye, relaxing the cranial nerves, strengthening the eyes and calming the nervous system
Read more about Netra Bastis here
This is a Traditional Ayurvedic Practice in which the practitioner pounds rice and herb boluses over the body. It is intended to release the muscles, deliver herbal medicine to the skin, move the lymph and clear toxins.
Learn more about Pinda Sweda Here
I am now offering Pancha Karma retreats in collaboration with Sariah Neff of Adaptive Therapeutics.
If you are wanting something deeper that targets the core of challenges you are facing, book a 1,3 or 5 day Pancha Karma retreat. Pancha Karma uses 5 intense actions to cleanse and then rejuvenate in order to transform the mind, body and spirit.
We offer a range of treatments including lymphatic drainage, netra basti, intuitive bodywork, womb and breast / chest care, craniosacral, palate release, and internal organ massage.
We focus on providing our clients with comprehensive and holistic care. We approach the body as an entire system, placing transparency, integrity, and client education at the core of our values. Here, you will receive integrated support that is tailored to your individual needs.
Learn more about Pancha Karma here
“Abbey is wonderful. She knows how to adjust the uterus with external work.
My bladder is functioning so much better after only one adjustment. She has helped my dry menopausal system get juiced up- my skin, lymph and joints are so much more supple. She has helped break down stuck fascia and old scar tissue.
I feel younger and am getting replenished at a deep level from working with her for only 3 sessions.”
My session with Abbey was beyond my expectations.
She is present, relational, upbeat, positive, skilled and kind. I was touched by the depth of her connection to plants and the healing wisdom within them.
She worked with areas of my body that were stagnant and painful and the outcome from her work is that I feel motivated and more present, like awakening out of a fog.
Most of the pain in my body is gone and she gave me helpful things to do on my own to keep my system open. I didn’t know it was possible for my organs to get a fresh start and to come alive again, which of course calmed my mind and gave me access to something deeper and sweeter, like after a very connected meditation.
Abbey is a breath of fresh air, a being of lightness and new perspective.
She is the balm!